1st Ocober, 2019

We're here!  It's October.    The month I associate with things like fog, first lighting of the fire, golden leaves, the end of my complete denial that summer is over because now it definitely is, shorter days and longer nights, etc, etc.     

For this year, however, as there was in 2017, there is another meaning to October.   It's the start of SHOPTOBER.    A complete month where I buy all of our food from St Mary Bourne Village Shop almost negating completely the need to go to Andover or Whitchurch and where, if I'm not careful, I could have no reason to step out of 'The Village' at all.   But whilst I really love where I live and the community with whom I live amongst, a whole month just here would lead to a level of insanity I'm not prepared to accept.    

Looking back on my first post in 2017 I can remember why I ventured on this experiment in the first place.    I wanted to experience the shop fully as a customer as well as a place of work.   I was relatively new to the position and there was so much to do to make the shop better.. there still is.   Today, I feel as if I need to reconnect with what the shop is about and make it a place where you want to shop.   Not all the time.. I'm the only geeky one who wants to shop there entirely for a whole month, but it needs to be there when you need it and stock the things that you need..   so please, anything we don't stock that you think we should, please, please let me know.

So.   What to have for supper tonight?   Well, we have a very old, very dear friend staying with us for a couple of nights.   Last night was his first night with us so we headed to the BVI for supper.    For a Monday evening it was busy which was lovely to see and the food (and wine) was good.   But tonight, we are eating at home and I would like to make a bit of an effort in cooking something hearty and welcoming.   I am, however, woefully under prepared with impressive recipes and don't want to spend the whole afternoon in the kitchen so I am plumping for a classic.  Spag Bol with a lovely green salad and a good chunky garlic bread.   The shop has everything I need although the fresh mince had sold out so I bought some from the freezer.  
