10th October

The problem with writing this blog is that you have to believe that people are actually going to be interested in what I'm buying and eating .... and I'm not sure people will be.   I mean, come on?   I am sure you have much more interesting things to do than discover what I had for tea on a Wednesday... however, in my quest to not bore you ridgid, I feel as if I've missed a couple of gems that we've had over the past week that were delicsh and you might want to try yourselves.

On Saturday night, for example, we had some friends over for a really simple supper of pizza and a couple of beers.   I brought the two different types of pizza that are in the chiller in the shop - Three Cheese and Pepperoni, along with some olives, pesto, mozzarella, mushrooms, tomatoes and a red pepper.   I love pizza but the shop brought ones can sometimes be a little lacking in toppings which is why it's better to give them a bit of a boost.   It's also nice as you can get everyone to build their own and add more additions like chorizo, extra pepparami, cooked chicken, ham, blimey, even pineapple if you are that way inclined (all available at the shop).    We washed ours down with bottles of Amstel, followed by camembert, goats cheese, cheese biscuits (which I had brought for Sunday lunch) and a delicious red wine called Definition (which I had also brought for Sunday lunch! - luckly the shop's close so I could get more supplies!!).   Really simple, easy, crowd pleaser.

Easy Saturday Night with Friends

Last night found me home alone as Mr M had to work late.   I quite like an evening on my own every now and again and usually revel in the fact that I can have Kettle Chips for supper without any frowning and asking where the square meal is.   However, realising that a blog post of Kettle Chips really was dull, even by my standards, I decided to up the anti. 

I brought chicken fillets from the shop and made Chicken Schnitzel with other bits and pieces left over from the weekend and beyond.

Chicken Schnitzel with Bacon and White Wine
(although I forgot the wine, which is very unlike me)
Serves 1

1 chicken fillet
100g pancetta (or a couple of streaks of bacon chopped up)
1 clove garlic, crushed
handful of cherry tomatoes
100ml white wine (unless you forget)
splash double cream (optional)
couple of tblspn creme fraishe

1.   Take your chicken fillet and thump it with a rolling pin until it is much flatter.

2.   Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the pancetta or bacon and fry for a couple of mins.

3.   Add the crushed garlic and tomatoes to the pan and continue to fry gently until the pancetta is crisp and golden.  Remove the bacon from the pan leaving the garlicy, bacon juices and set aside.

4.   Fry the chicken for about 3 mins a side, until there is no pinkness when you cut into it.   Make sure the pan is hot so the chicken catches a little, turning it beautifully golden.

5.  Remove the chicken to a serving plate and return the bacon to the pan.   This is the bit I forgot - then pour in the wine, letting everything bubble up.   Next add a splash of double cream if you want and the creme fraishe and stir in until the creme fraishe has melted.

6.   Add the chicken back to the pan to coat in the sauce and warm through.

Serve with a green salad or green beans.
