19th October

Chorizo Stew.     Easy, quick and delish...   A friend once told me about this dish after she'd been over to some friends and they'd had this and it really is that news worthy.   I cannot rate it highly enough, it just hits all the spots - especially in autumnal weather.   It's warming and lovely and did I mention that it's quick and easy.    It's also one of those dishes that you can chuck pretty much anything you have lying around in the fridge in or leave it really basic with just onion, chorizo and stock.  I hope you don't feel I'm sitting on the fence with this one but just in case you didn't get the message, I love this dish!

What's even better is if the bread you serve it with is warm from the oven.    Ask at the shop for one of our pre baked frozen loaves of Tiger Bread and then cook it in your oven... it also fills your kitchen with a lovely freshly baked bread smell with absolutely minimal effort from you.

Chorizo Stew

chorizo sausage, chopped into chunks
onion, finely chopped
celery, finely chopped (if you want - don't have to)
carrot, finely chopped (if you want - don't have to)
600ml chicken stock
tinned tomatoes (if you want - don't have to)
tin of butter beans (if you want - don't have to)
crusty loaf of bread (Tiger Loaf from the shop - buy it frozen and defrost before baking)
salted butter

1.   In a casserole dish gently fry the chorizo, onion, celery and carrots until tender.   You don't need to add any oil as the chorizo should give off a lovely deep red oil to cook every thing in.

2.   Turn up the heat and add the chicken stock stirring occasionally and leave to bubble for around 10 mins.    From this point on, the stew is done but I do like to add bits and pieces and the longer you can leave it the more chance the flavours have to melt together.

3.   Preheat the oven to 180C.

4.   Add the tinned tomatoes and a tin of drained butter beans to the chorizo.   Continue to bubble on the stove until you feel it's ready.   Add more stock if it gets too thick.    The idea is to create a thin stew that you can dunk the bread into to soak it all up.

5.   Cook the bread in the oven for 30mins.   Take out and leave to cool briefly before cutting into chunks and smothering with salted butter.
