21st October

I know, I know.... it's actually not the 21st October as I write this but actually the 18th November.    Rubbish!   And so I reveal myself as the unorganised, tardy person that I truly am.    In fairness, even when I was thinking up Shoptober, I never for a moment thought that it would run to time.   I have however, kept all photos of the food I produced on the days I produced them and by the power of technology am able to go back in time and post them on the days I should have had.... so let's all just pretend that the person running your village shop is organised and efficient and does everything to plan... dig deep into your imaginations, people.

My phone tells me that we had pork chops on the 21st October.   These, I remember, where from Oaktrack and where sizable and meaty.    We oven baked them due to their size and finished them off in a frying pan after which and whilst the chops were resting, we fried off some chopped onions, halved baby tomatoes and made gravy from the juices of the oven pan.    To accompany the amazing chops we made a mash with a dash of wholegrain mustard and mayonnaise and leeks in a white sauce.

To be honest, as far as suppers go it was a little schlappy - however, the chops were such amazing quality that anything less would have been an injustice and whilst I am an ardent believer in quick, easy cooking, sometimes, just sometimes, it is worth cooking for 45 mins of an evening and making something a little special.... it was a Saturday night, afterall, and therefore the time pressures were a little easier.
