8th October

If you've been into the shop over the last couple of days you might have noticed that we have a new supplier - Oaktracks - a smallholding in Charlton Down.

When we moved here 18 months ago, we came from a smallholding in Gloucestershire (Park Mill Farm) where we bred rare breed pigs, ducks, chickens and geese.   It was a huge learning curve for us as neither of us came from an agricultural background and had no experience of farming or rearing animals at all.   Needless to say, there were many comedy moments and at times it was very stressful and all the time it was hard work.    But it taught us the benefit of non intensity food production and how great slow reared animals kept with excellent animal husbandry can taste.   Unfortunately, in our world today, meat such as this is a luxury rather than the norm, however, we are happy to be able to offer such great meat from the likes of Oaktracks and Greenfields - even if you only buy it every now and again.   

This Sunday we had friends round for Sunday lunch and so I got a leg of lamb from our new suppliers at Oaktracks.    Whilst we will always have sausages and smaller cuts of meat available in store, it is now possible to order larger cuts through the shop.   So why not order your next Sunday roast from us and see what you think!   Ask at the shop for more details.

The lamb was absolutely delicious and was a real treat!   I made it with dauphinoise potoatoes and a ratatouille, followed by apple pie (ready made), ice cream and meringue drops... and then, of course, cheese!   Y. U. M.    I'm really annoyed that I didn't take photos of the lamb and veg once it was cooked as it looked amazing.. but with friends round it seemed a bit weird to photograph everything before serving it up!



Dauphinoise Potatoes
Serves 6

30g butter
1kg floury potatoes (the ones from the shop in the plastic bags are good)
400ml double cream
2 large garlic cloves, crushed
1/4 tspn of grated nutmeg
Sea salt and black pepper

1.   Pre heat oven to 160C/Gas Mark 3.   Rub an oven proof dish liberally with butter.

2.   Peel the potatoes and slice them thinly.   In a large bowl, whisk together the cream, garlic and nutmeg and season well with salt and pepper.   Toss the potatoes in the cramy mixture, then layer them in the dish, spreading them as flat and as evenly as you can.  Pour over any remaining cream.

3.   Bake for 11/4-11/2 hours, pressing down with a spatular whenever you remember (I only did it once and even then only did it a little bit as I was worried the cream would overflow out and then I'd have to clean the oven!!). 

4.   The dish is ready when the top is golden and bubbling and the potatoes are tender.    You may want to turn the oven up to 190 - 200C (Gas mark 5-6) for the last 5 mins to get a bit of extra bubbling crispness.   Leave to stand for 5 mins or so before serving.

River Cottage Veg Everyday - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
